We need your help to amp up our branding and communications. In our new strategic plan, the board laid the foundation for deliberate communications that will strengthen our organization, Partnerships, and impact around the Valley.
As part of the plan, Meghan Leatherman was hired last June as our Communications Manager. This is a new role for SVPAZ that has a much more strategic outlook. The self-proclaimed “jack of all communications skills” has more than a decade of experience with the Department of Defense, Fortune 500 corporations, and small businesses. She spearheaded strategic branding and stakeholder engagement with the U.S. Navy and Army as a Booz Allen Hamilton contractor in San Diego and previously was lead in several corporate philanthropy outreach programs during her tenure with the largest Tennessee PR firm.
Since last summer, Meghan has been digging into SVPAZ conducting audits, gathering baseline metrics, writing strategies and guidelines, and building more efficiencies into SVPAZ communication outreach. You (hopefully) noticed she’s breathed new life into our blog and all our social media channels, and this week, she’s launching a new Missive.
So what does this mean for you?
We need you as champions – communications champions. You know the staff is small but mighty, so even with Meghan, SVPAZ is a member-based organization, and we need each Partner to help.
How, you ask?
- For starters, read our newsletter, The Missive. We are relaunching it February 1 with a refreshed look that we hope you’ll love. You can expect it to hit your inbox twice a month, on Wednesdays at 10:05 a.m. This will be your one-stop-shop for Investee news, all events, announcements, Partner and staff updates, and articles of interest. If you haven’t been receiving The Missive prior to our dark period (January 2017), please check your spam filters and make sure our emails are on your safe list. Meghan is happy to send some test emails to make sure you’re getting this pertinent information.
- Follow SVPAZ on whatever social media channels you use (we’re on LinkedIN, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and like/share/retweet our content. Not only does this let us know you’re seeing our posts, it also shares your involvement with SVPAZ to your friends and associates and takes that “champion” title a bit farther.
- Stop by our blog and stay current with the news. Share your own news by filling out a Partner profile or draft a blog on a relevant SVPAZ topic. Talk with Meghan for details.
There’s much more to come. In the meantime, feel free to reach to Meghan or me with ideas, content, or feedback.
Happy Reading!
Andrea Aker is President of Aker Ink Public Relations and serves on SVPAZ’s Board as Vice Chair of Communications. When she’s not helping clients find their voice, she’s training and competing in triathlons and traveling the world.