Hailing from New Orleans, David Paul has been a SVPAZ Partner for a year. He joined at the recommendation of an associate who knew SVP would be a good way for David to plug into the community since he’s a new Phoenician. He moved here from Florida in 2015. David is now working with Todd Belfer and Patrick Armstrong at Canal Partners.
He started his nonprofit journey with an Alzheimer’s fundraiser in North Palm Beach, Fla. “Our event was called Sunsets and Seagrapes and it sold tickets, raffles/donations, and sponsorships,” David said. “We raised approximately $100kw three events that were held annually.”
David and his fiancé, Stacy, will be married later this year.
More from David:
- What do you most look forward to / hope to accomplish as a Partner? I want to be able to show meaningful impact with innovative startups in the Valley.
- What’s your motto? If it doesn’t get measured, it doesn’t get done.
- What’s your most marked characteristic? Good sense of humor,
- When and where are you happiest? When I am with my fiancé and dog relaxing at home.
- What’s on your bucket list? I would like to travel to Asia, try dog sledding, and be father of the year.
- What four words would other people use to describe you? Funny, charismatic, high energy, reliable
Please welcome David and Stacy at one of our upcoming events!
If you’re interested in being profiled, please contact Meghan Leatherman.