Dan Rigby’s SVPAZ

Aug 28, 2013

By: Dan Rigby

I was an “early adopter” in 1999 and was attracted to the potential for impact on the community.  I had a successful business, but I was looking for balance—a movement from success to significance so to speak.  I have gained so much more than I could have anticipated in knowledge about the social service sector, and in friendships with like-minded individuals.  I am a huge fan!

I was part of the investment committee in my first year and became lead partner for Teen Lifeline for the five years and learned a great deal from that experience.  I have also participated in subsequent investment committees, re-investment committees, and fast-pitch (as a committee member and as a mentor.)  I also spent ten years on the SVP board and am a past board chair, and seven years on the SVP International board.  So SVP has been in my blood for the last fourteen years.

If you want to give back in a way that has a deep impact—more than just writing a check and going to social affairs—than join SVP, get involved and see how much of a difference you can make.  I suspect that you will feel as I do: that becoming an SVP partner is the best thing I have ever done to balance my personal and family life with a deep sense of community involvement.