What do education, financial literacy, military families, skateboarding, Alzheimer’s, autism, literacy, health and human services, and animal rescue have in common?
These are all issues being tackled by our 2017 Fast Pitch Finalists.
On March 28, these #svpinnovators will receive 180 seconds to inspire the audience and panel of distinguished judges. Don’t miss out on #svpfastpitch! Secure Your Seat!
Prices are currently $75, but will increase the week before the event. VIP tickets are $125, and you receive preferred seating, program recognition, and a drink ticket. Secure your spot today. Ticket Link. Or get 10 of your friends, colleagues, fellow volunteers together and go in on a team building ticket package. For $650, you receive 10 tickets, preferred seating, and an optional one-hour training session with SVPAZ staff. Do the Ride Thing!
Don’t hassle with driving to Fast Pitch … LYFT! In support of Fast Pitch, Lyft has deals for riders, new users and SVPAZ.
Use promo code “SVPAZ” for $50 Lyft credits for new users
Use promo code “SVPAZ17” for 20% off two rides for existing users
For every Lyft ride using these codes, #SVPAZ will receive a portion of the earnings. Win-win-win! Thank you, Lyft!