Shark Tank. The Voice. The Biggest Loser. Food Network Star.
What do these shows have in common?
Dreams becoming reality.
In a similar notion, SVPAZ’s Fast Pitch program is a free, two-month mentorship and training program for Valley nonprofits, students, and a newly added for-profit group, designed to help craft a pitch for the opportunity to win cash prizes and year-long mentoring from some of the Valley’s most influential business and community leaders.
“Everyone has a story, but many of us struggle to tell those stories effectively. This is a critical skill set in the nonprofit world, as funding and awareness hinges on it,” said SVPAZ Executive Director Terri Wogan Calderón. “Through the Fast Pitch program, nonprofits are exposed to some of the Valley’s most prominent business and community leaders who guide them through the pitching process. It’s truly an invaluable experience.”
And if that’s not compelling reason enough to apply, here are 10 more:
10. Receive intensive coaching on how to give an effective pitch.
9. Connect with influential Valley business and community leaders invested in your success.
8. Learn from storytelling experts on how to weave a compelling narrative.
7. Grow with fellow nonprofit leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs.
6. Develop both professionally and personally through extensive mentoring.
5. Practice your pitch and receive real-time feedback from experts in the field.
4. Gain insight from professionals on your business plan, financial model, marketing strategy, etc.
3. Pitch to an audience of more than 600 engaged philanthropists for awareness and funding.
2. Become a part of the SVPAZ family with the opportunity to win cash prizes.
And, 1. Unleash your full potential!