In the season of thankfulness, the SVP Arizona team is thankful for so much – especially the community of sharing we experience everyday.
Our Partners, who share time, talent and dollars . These 100+ individuals are so committed to our community; it is inspiring and equally humbling. You never cease to amaze us. Thank you for all you do.
Our Investees who work tirelessly on behalf of those who don’t have the voice, to make a difference for so many. This year alone, our Investees have rebranded, become acquired, won Emmys, and expanded services.
Our Alumni, who continue to make an impact, often behind the scenes. They remain steadfast and loyal to the SVPAZ mission. Thank you for your guidance and continued support.
Our Volunteers, who donate their time to make our events run seamlessly.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. From the bottom of our hearts.
It’s been a year of personal thanks for each of us –
I am very thankful for my amazing family! I have more than 200 members in my family, on my mothers side and we are all, surprisingly, very close. Most of us live in Arizona, and those who do not try to come to our Thanksgiving gathering at least every other year. We hold our event at a park because there are so many of us. I am so thankful for the giving, caring and loving family that I have; I would not be me, without them! -Cindy Vandervort, Operations and Finance Manager
My wife Jacquie and I are so thankful to welcome our first grandchild, Chase Smiley, born October 28. Chase has been a delight! -Steve Smiley, Special Projects Manager
Team Leatherman welcomed our little firecracker, Micah James, on July 3 – quickly and easily. He’s growing way too fast. I’m also so thankful to Terri for bringing me on board. It’s been such a great transition for me – and Micah! Enjoy your Thanksgiving! – Meghan Leatherman, Communications Manager
I am thankful for organizations like Boys Hope Girls Hope of Arizona and Adelante Healthcare, who are serving the most vulnerable people in the Valley. These organizations do such great work and deserve recognition for their efforts. As Chair of BHGH and member of the Adelante executive committee, I am honored to give my time, talent and my treasure to ultimately help the under-served.- Sentari Minor, Director of Partner Engagement
I am most thankful for the Circle of Love and that mine continues to build and grow. I am grateful for finding joy with a most loving husband and his four children, my three daughters and sons-in-laws, eight grandchildren and many dear friends. Now the circle grows even wider with another grandbaby due in April. Thanksgiving Day is indeed a love circle celebration, which for our family will be even more special as the baby’s gender is revealed! #thankfulforfacetime – Terri Wogan-Calderón, Executive Director and Partner
For the first time ever, Social Venture Partners Arizona is joining the #GivingTuesday movement. Giving Tuesday is celebrated, Nov. 29, the first Tuesday following Thanksgiving and widely-recognized shopping events: Black Friday and Cyber Monday. As an alternative to those two deal-busting days, #GivingTuesday emphasizes the charitable spirit of the holiday season as a global day of giving, fueled by the power of social media and collaboration
We set a goal of raising $5,000. Thanks to the support of Ubiquia, a leading logistics software company, and our Partners we have several dollar-for-dollar matching grants to meet (and hopefully exceed!) our goal. Join us in strengthening Valley philanthropists who strengthen Valley nonprofits on #GivingTuesday (November 29). Please visit to show your support!