Meet the Partners: Stephanie La Loggia

Oct 8, 2015


Meet the Partners: Stephanie La Loggia

SVP Arizona is filled with talented, charitable partners who are community champions and business leaders, each using their time and talent to create a unique stamp in our network. Here, Stephanie La Loggia, a partner of three years, answers our questions…

What four words would other people use to describe you?  

Helpful, knowledgeable, dedicated, outdoorsy

What are your hobbies?

Running, spending time with family and friends, reading, volunteering, hiking

If you had only $1 to spend on a cause, where would you spend it and why?

Interesting question. I would probably give it to an organization I volunteer with, although it wouldn’t be SVP because it costs a lot more than $1 to join!

Why did you join SVP?

There are many organizations that provide programs or funding for programs. Very few focus on building nonprofit capacity and even fewer attempt to educate and equip individuals to best assist nonprofits. Social Venture Partners, at its best, transforms good programs into excellent and sustainable organizations, and helps individuals become informed and effective philanthropists and volunteers.

Are you an Arizona native?

Yes – born in Tucson.  I attended ASU for undergraduate and graduate school.  Moved back here to work at ASU.

What is your most gratifying moment with SVP? How did it make you feel?

I knew our partner and partner retention numbers were wrong, and I’ve worked hard to 1) fix the numbers and 2) understand the numbers. I’ve had mixed feelings about this, because I’ve got limited time to volunteer and I’ve spent much of it digging into our partner recruitment and retention numbers as opposed to doing more actual recruiting or engagement work. Hopefully that can change as we get our numbers right (takes longer than anyone might think) and better understand how we successfully recruit and retain partners. This takes a data/metric orientation, which I don’t think we have had and which I don’t think is a solid strength of any of our current staff (although they have lots of strengths!). So I feel like that has been a good use of time, and hopefully we are laying the groundwork for future success in recruitment and retention.