Partner Profile | Tina Marie Tentori

Feb 24, 2017

Tina Marie TentoriTina Marie Tentori is the Director of Community Affairs, and Executive Director of the APS Foundation at Arizona Public Service (APS). A native of Ojai, Calif., and a graduate of the University of Massachusetts – Boston, Tina Marie grew up volunteering.

My dad was a pastor and it was at the heart of what we did for the community – clothing drives, feeding the homeless, visits to the hospital, first responder support and Toys-for-Tots, etc. Since it was a core value of mine, it’s not surprising that I started working for a nonprofit in 1994 and had a career in nonprofit management for 17 years. Organizations that I have volunteered for include ChildHelp, USA, Business Volunteers for the Arts, Junior Achievement, Valley Leadership, Make-a-Wish Arizona, and the Greater Phoenix Urban League.  I am passionate about children, youth and education, the Arts and leadership.

  • What led you to SVP? – Our partnership with SVP and Fast Pitch led me to APS. I participated in the re-investment committee and found this work so rewarding. I love learning about what great work is being done out there in our communities and finding ways to support them (through financial and human resources and collaborative networks).
  • What do you most look forward to / hope to accomplish as a Partner? – Making a difference with these nonprofits who have a positive impact on our community. As I noted above, I love learning about new programs and how our nonprofit communities are connecting to each other to maximize impact.
  • What’s your motto? – Take on challenges and grow!
  • What’s your most marked characteristic? My loud laugh. I’ve been told I can be heard across a crowded room.  🙂
  • When and where are you happiest? – When I am with my fiancé or family and we are sharing our stories, listening to music and drinking some wine.
  • What’s on your bucket list? – Travel to Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands
  • What four words would other people use to describe you? – Gregarious, friendly, animated, fun