Former SVPAZ Board Chair and Partner Park Howell is hosting a Storytelling for Leaders workshop. Storytelling for Leaders is a six-month deliberate practice ignites the inner storyteller in you as you apply it daily in your job. The program design includes:
1. Pre-work Online Survey to help get you thinking in story: we use the findings from the survey in the one-day workshop
2. One-day Workshop (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) is an immersive session that teaches you how to use story to:
• Build rapport and connection with any audience • Create a repertoire of personal and professional stories you can use in any situation • Provide inspiration and meaning to move internal teams to action • Overcome entrenched views and help people live into a more powerful story that supports your brand • Communicate business value • Learn what’s really going on inside the organization through story listening techniques • Bring it all together be learning four primary story patterns: Connection, Clarity, Influence and Success stories
3. Deliberate Training Program (24-weeks) designed to instill and build the storytelling muscles of your leaders
• You will receive an email assignment each week for 24 weeks (Assignments will take up to 15 minutes to complete weekly) • Each story task is designed to be immediately applicable in our job • Hundreds of stories will be spotted, captured, archived and prepped for telling throughout this 24- week program
4. Story Coaching will take place every four to six weeks in an online conference, to help you and your team leaders advance their storytelling skills.
For more information and to register, click here.
About Business of Story
Park Howell has been in advertising and branding for more than 30 years. He has helped companies of all sizes get their brand story straight to grow their enterprise and their people. As a complement to his brand story strategy services, Park now offers the proven Storytelling for Leadership as an certified partner with Anecdote.