SVP Values | What’s Our Culture?

Feb 26, 2017

Recently, we were honored to host SVP CEO Tim Schottman and Emily Reitman, SVP program manager, for a discussion on SVP’s values and what values we want to embody at SVPAZ. Last year at the Global Conference, I had the chance to hear from Tim and his vision for the network, with his first goal to be strengthening affiliates.

His visit last week was a start of his Culture and Values focus. Leveraging Ann Rhoades’ values work, Tim has helped more than a dozen organizations around the world define and reinforce their values, including some SVPs. He shared, “Walking the talk is not easy, but being true to your values is the mark of a great organization. The objective for the workshop was to orient Partners and staff to this process of better defining and implementing their desired SVP culture, and to start the process of defining their desired values.”

ValuesAfter a lot of brainstorming and story sharing, the group came to four to five values. Patrick and I are identifying the working group that will continue to flesh this out. If you have interest in getting involved, please let Patrick and me know.

Many thanks to our Partners at Ideas Collide for hosting us in their beautiful space.

Tim also shared the following with the network: Many of the 2017 program elements that we highlighted at the SVP Global Conference are being launched to support our mission of strengthening, connecting and amplifying the impact of SVP:

  • Leadership Retreat (read more here) – Focused on affiliate staff, board leaders, and highly engaged partners. There will be:
    • A day-long session featuring the first three philanthropy development curriculum modules (SVP Values, Culture and Approach; Nonprofit Fundamentals; Relationship Management)
    • Day-long sessions for EDs, affiliate staff and board leaders
    • Day-long working sessions for:
      • affiliate partners/staff involved in social justice and equity,
      • partners engaged in impact investing
  • Partner/Philanthropy Development Curriculum – First module, “SVP Values, Culture and Approach” is being piloted as an e-workshop on February 15 (register here – we’d love to have your feedback!), and in-person in Calgary in early March. Seven more modules are targeted for development in 2017.
  • Amped! SVPI Newsletter for Staff by Staff – Launched in November to help share tools, best practices and stories from around the network. If you missed the first two issues you can find them here and here.
  • Resource Center – Coming in March it will provide easy web-based access to best practices and tools developed across the network.
  • ED Cohorts – Along with realigning our program staff to be relationship managers with a set of affiliates, we have launched ED Cohorts to allow ED to connect regularly on a peer level and address the issues that are most important to them. They have a lot to discuss!
  • Strategy and Values Workshops – Affiliate workshops at Tucson, Pune, Mumbai and SV2 are complete and at least six more affiliates are requesting workshops this year! Join the Roadshow!
  • Partner Experts – Leveraging the talent of the Partners of the network, we will be starting work this spring to launch team of Partner coaches/consultants to help build strong affiliates across the network.

In other SVP news, we recently learned Rona Pryor is leaving SVP this spring after 13+ years of service. Rona has been a great friend and champion for our efforts here in Phoenix and her leadership will be greatly missed.

SVPLshipRetreatAnd finally, the Leadership Retreat is scheduled for April 19-21 in Scottsdale. I encourage you to join us for any time you can devote. SVP’s Leadership Retreat is a time for affiliate leaders – board, staff and partners – from around the world to learn, share and get inspired.

Chock-full of useful resources and opportunities to connect, this year’s line-up features: the unveiling of SVP’s new philanthropy development curriculum, peer-learning among SVP staff and board leadership, plus in-depth working sessions on equity and impact investing.

Join us for one day, two days or all three!

The Details:

Wednesday, April 19 – Friday, April 21, 2017
The McCormick Scottsdale | 7401 N Scottsdale Rd | Scottsdale, AZ 85253 | USA

Learn More and Register Today!


In closing, I would love to hear from you! What are the behaviors you would like to see at your SVP?  

Terri-WoganWritten by Terri Wogan-Calderón, Executive Director and Partner, Social Venture Partners Arizona. Passionate about improving the nonprofit sector and public education in Arizona, Terri has served as Executive Director for Social Venture Partners Arizona for more than 10 years.