SVPAZ Staff Anniversary Spotlight | Sentari Minor

Dec 20, 2016

SentariSentari Minor is our face of SVPAZ. This is his third year as the Director of Partner Engagement and Education; prior to becoming a staff member, he was a Partner for three years.

“Sentari is a master at networking, capacity building and getting engaged in the community,” shared Terri Wogan-Calderón, SVPAZ Executive Director.  “This is why he is the perfect fit for sharing the SVP opportunity with prospective partners and for connecting current partners w


ith meaningful work to impact the many nonprofits we work with.”

You can typically find Sentari posted up at Phoenix’s hot spots across town (The Henry, most frequently), serving on countless nonprofit boards, and engaging Partners and potential Partners on our venture capital approach to  philanthropy. With his iced tea in hand at The Henry, Sentari took a few moments of reflection on his time with SVPAZ:

  1. Favorite part of working at SVPAZ: Engaging with our Partners and being out in the community.
  1. Favorite memory of your time at SVPAZ: Anything hosted by the Clemency’s
  1. If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring three items, what would you bring? Journal, iPhone, “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri

    Chairing the Friends of Animal Care & Control Hero Awards

  1. When you’re not working at SVPAZ, how do you spend your time? Volunteering, on nonprofit boards, working out, and spending time with loved ones.

    Sentari, age 4, with his family


    Brothers – Jeyson (L) and DJ (R)


  1. Tell us about your family. Family is all in Phoenix with two little brothers (26 and 19) with whom I have a love/hate/love relationship.
  1. You are never without my notebook.
  1. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, it would be: prime rib and mashed potatoes with a dirty Sapphire martini.
  1. When you’re not hard at work at SVPAZ, we would find you: at the gym or in a movie theatre.
  1. Favorite quote: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. —Margaret Mead


    Hanna, best friend from college, at her wedding

  1. Favorite vacation spot and why: Indianapolis – all of my closest friends are there.


    Makes sense that one of Phoenix’s biggest cheerleaders was on cheer squad at DePauw.

Congratulations on three {plus!} years, Sentari. Thanks for all that you do!