By: John Clemency
I had heard a great deal about SVP Arizona from Diane Walker and Ed Zito. I found (and still find) the Social Venture Partners model perhaps the most effective and personally satisfying way to engage in charitable/nonprofit endeavors. I also very much enjoy the social side of SVPAZ, which provides opportunities to meet and interact with the Partners in a group on a social and personal level. I have made some very good friends through SVPAZ.
I try to attend most of the SVP major events (Fast Pitch, Annual Meetings, etc.) and I rarely miss Happy Hours! I have been involved in several projects (new investee interviews, some fundraising, some support for Camelback High School, etc.) and I try to provide some backing for Carol Clemency, my wife. She is much more hands on than I am, at the moment. In that regard, SVPAZ provides a great forum for Carol and me to to be involved together in satisfying work.
Get involved early and often! It is rare that a week goes by where I don’t sing the priases of SVP to potential new partners.