What SVPAZ did for me

Aug 28, 2013

By: Scott Turner

I joined SVP Arizona to learn how to work more effectively with non-profits to improve their success.  SVP has done that and much more.  My experience as lead partner for one of SVPAZ’s investees has been a real eye-opener.  I think I was able to add value to that non-profit far beyond what I could have done on my own, without SVP, because of the advice I received from other partners, and with the assistance of SVP training and processes.  The SVP national and now international network has been great.  I even received introductions to local leaders in Bangalore, India through the SVP chapter there, which has helped me a lot with my social entrepreneurial work abroad.  I’m also talking to some SVP partners from Seattle about innovations they pioneered there, which might help us in Arizona.  I think anyone interested in not just serving on a non-profit board, but doing your very best to help non-profits thrive and improve our communities on a large scale, should consider joining SVP!